So here we are: you've successfully navigated your way to this blog; and I am hiding behind the other side of the screen, uploading quaint, nostalgic images of England in absolute denial that only a handful of days lie between me and six months of self-discovery, and saving the world one mud-sculpted brick at a time. Phew.
Actually, I wont be doing much of the 'aforementioned'. I'm almost certain that I will come back with an even keener sense of my identity as an albino, I don't think nose rings will ever suit me- whether I'm spiritually reawakened or not- and, whilst I will be dabbling with Human Rights (in a purely positive and lawful way), I will not be doing it to itch an innate and close-to-bursting sense of altruism (to which doctors usually prescribe light handiwork with the locals and gentle sight-seeing).
So, this blog enables me to keep in contact with all of you (via words, pictures and photos you lucky lot), and lets you find out what I'm really getting up to. In the days to come, I will be posting an itinerary of where I will be and what I will be doing there. That way, when you're stirring from the depths of your beds on a cold and frosty February morning, dreading another late night at the office, you can remind yourself that I will most likely be:
a) nursing a carpet of insect bites (and we all know one little bastard will bite me right between the eyes) whilst,
b) negotiating a haggard piece of dog cooked 'Chinese style' without offending anyone too important, or, upsetting more importantly my stomach, which,
c) will be i) empty of Western food for over three months and ii) tormented by whatever bacteria I chose to inadvertently feed myself in India.
So here we are indeed.