Tuesday, 3 January 2012


No, I have not left and cruelly ignored your good bye messages and texts. In fact, as some of you may or may not have gathered I have usefully gone and caught the flu. This means I will not be flying out for another week or so.
And so, hold back on the good byes. Based on some of the voice mails I've been receiving, I'd like to save you the effort of composing your emotional good byes, parting words of wisdom or quirky sound bites (and if you haven't already done this, you better start drafting your speeches); not least because this is all hilariously anticlimactic given the fuss I've made about leaving. I feel a bit like a theatrical act who has politely been asked for an encore by her audience purely out of courtesy (["no, no! Don't go!" you cry]), and the player, ill-judging the situation, has  returned the pleas with an extremely loud rendition  of John Denver's 'Leaving on a Jet Plane', glasses, bowl cut and all (["TA DA, I'm still here!" I reply]).

Well, I will be updating you all with my new flight dates and plans. Until then, have a gander at some more drawings to keep you all vaguely interested in this blog. These were commissioned by a friend for her magazine and I have her kind permission to show them to you. They feature 'Marilyn Monroe in London' and an ape-like creature leaning over the rails of South Bank (purely accidental).


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