Friday, 27 January 2012

I have arrived, at last.

So, I've arrived. At last. Much to everyone's surprise, I did actually leave this time.

However, someone could pinch me and I might wake up from one of the many odd dreams I've had about arriving in India. Having flown through the night, I can barely remember what happened so it does seem surreal to have been in Somerset one second and Delhi the next. I have pretty much been running on automatic since leaving England. Not one to cry, I have been laughing (almost hysterically) at myself, as I find myself firstly, on a plane, secondly in Abu Dhabi, thirdly, on another plane, fourthly, in a taxi that is squeezing through two heavily loaded lorries, fifthly, ringing three door bells to find the one that would wake my landlady, sixthly....the list goes on. I think that I have managed to (so far) split my minds into two components: one- the hypothetical Imogen that, hypothetically speaking might be on an aeroplane to Delhi; the other- I couldn't give it a name, but this Imogen has made a nest in her head whilst she watches hypothetical Imogen put actions to words. Both Imogens think overall Imogen is patently mad going to away for so long without anyone.

And on that note, this blog should come with a disclaimer. I am well aware that the majority who read this blog are extremely well travelled. You may therefore be bemused by my self-pitying for leaving/ pat on the back for arriving, having already done it yourself. This blogger does not try to sound like a well travelled blogger. Neither will I attempt commentaries on the countries I visit as if I'm some travel writer waiting to burst out. I will write events as seen through my Devonshire nurtured eyes, and hopefully it'll raise a smile or two on your faces because you'll remember the strange things that first occurred to you and your unprepared eyes when you first travelled. Furthermore, the world is, actually, a strange place with such diversity that, no matter how well travelled you are, things will always appear bizarre. You, however, are probably not anticipating just how low my threshold for 'noteworthy oddities' is.

So. Rather than bore you with the full tale of my journey here, here are some 'noteworthy oddities' I noticed. or that happened:

1) Typical 'India travellers' appear to be: Indians; gap yaaas; hippies with quaint knits; and a notable number of 'Eat, Pray, Love' women: women in their 50s/60s looking to find a new lease of life. Where did I fit in?

2) Very pleasant on board food, except for the 'Dory fish pie'. Next on the menu...Nemo.

3) I have been invited to a wedding. This happened on the flight from Abu Dhabi to New Delhi. It is the wedding of the sister of the couple I sat next to. I have been assured that 2000 people are expected.

4) I was goggled at for the first time on this trip. Yes, I looked beyond pale having just got off the plane, but did they actually spot a third arm?

5) Who are these men that walk down the motorway as if it were a warm Sunday afternoon, and not 3.00am?

6) If you want to push past traffic, honk your horn. If you take a wrong turning, turn the car around and go back down the lane you came from- avoid the oncoming traffic.

7) The taxi man's English translator has, according to him, only got three friends in the whole world. He studies Russian at university and does night shift taxi airport pick ups. Which part of that is true I wonder?

8) Imagine the UK police putting up a half-hearted barrier of plastic fencing across a main road, leaving a car-sized gap in the middle for traffic to swerve through. Also picture them having a camp fire by the side of the road whilst mayhem ensues. Interesting.

I am extremely tired, a little out of my depth can only laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! This is great Imogen. Kit and I are really looking forward to catching up on the rest of these entries :) X
